CHILDREN'S books, Art + Design products and Programs

At age 19 I started teaching art to 6-12 year olds when I was living in Boulder, Colorado and have loved teaching and mentoring children ever since. Then, after moving to San Francisco, I taught in the Interior Design at the Art Academy University (color, textiles, and other classes) and now am delighted to watercolors to individuals to health care professionals in Marin and in the Bay Area. While teaching art and design at the Academy of Art, I mentored children and adults teaching them how to explore and discover ways to be more involved at home, school or in their community. I’ve completed children’s book during Covid isolation that was fun and creative, while inspiring and opening young minds and exploring ways to help provides self-confidence, inspiration and leadership skills in INSPIRING MAVERICKS shown below that’s for sale on I founded The Mary Edwards Collection which designed and manufactured rugs and tapestries in India and Hong Kong and distributed in showrooms and retail stores. The collection elevated home and office furnishings to exciting new levels in the worlds of interior design and fine art. Let’s all encourage our young kids to “BE your own agent of change” by asking a teacher, parent, or a friend to help them to volunteer in a specific area in a school project to create and to become apart of the team spirit that’s fun to explore! Let’s inspire and educate kids!

All ages will have fun indulging their creative juices!

Make Fun, Happy Patterns/designs in art class with me

frAMED POSTERS OF THE SKY, LAND AND SEA offer not only environmental glimpse to help restore our planet, and are fun to look at & may inspire your own inner artist!